
Customer Story: Clifton Coffee

Clifton Coffee Roasters (CCR) is a popular coffee company that profited from the recent boom in café culture. As Clifton Coffee Roasters' business grew, so did the company leaders' ambitions. They credit digital business and communication tools from Microsoft with helping them to grow and scale their business. Now, they provide additional services like technical support and delivery service to coffee shops across the UK. Check out this video to see how Clifton Coffee Roasters upgraded their teamwork strategy to grow their business.

How My Teaching Career Rocketed With MIE (Part 2)

How My Teaching Career Rocketed With MIE (Part 2)

This is the second part of Emma's blog on her journey to become an MIE Expert. The Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert program is an exclusive program created to recognise global educator visionaries who are using technology to pave the way for their peers in the effective use of technology for better learning and student outcomes. 

How My Teaching Career Rocketed With MIE (Part 1)

How My Teaching Career Rocketed With MIE (Part 1)

The Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Expert program is an exclusive program created to recognise global educator visionaries who are using technology to pave the way for their peers in the effective use of technology for better learning and student outcomes. See how Emma grabs the opportunity to become a celebrity teacher!

Productivity on Steroids - The 84" Microsoft Surface Hub

Microsoft (some time this year) are releasing a huge 84" interactive screen that doubles as a touchscreen computer and TV.

Multi-touch and pen (stylus) input are both available along with cameras and voice control.

What this is, is a Windows 10 PC that also has Wi-Fi and NFC support and it's probably going to be most used by businesses. It can double as a wipe board, is connected to the Internet and can link with applications such as OneNote to share work as it is created.

We can't wait to get our hands on one!

Atlantec Becomes a Microsoft Authorized Education Reseller

Atlantec, Productivity Unleashed, today announced it has become a Microsoft Authorized Education Reseller (AER), demonstrating its ability to meet Microsoft academic customers’ evolving needs in today’s dynamic business environment. To earn a Microsoft AER authorization, partners must complete a test to prove their level of academic licensing and market expertise.